New Status Page

As Temetra grows we need a better way to communicate the current status of Temetra functionality. To this end, we’re introducing a new status website that gives a summary of any issues with the major functions of Temetra that affect our customers.

Status summary

will now be kept up to date with the current status of Temetra. This site runs in our disaster recovery data centre, so even in the event of major problems with our main data centre, we can continue to keep our customers informed of issues, and our progress towards resolution.

We suggest you bookmark the status page to ensure you can access it quickly.


Improved productivity and reduced callbacks

We’ve just received some very positive feedback from a large scale UK customer who has Temetra deployed for about six months. Their meter reader productivity is up almost 30% and still improving, with customer call-backs on meter readings down 60% due to improved data collection, photos playing a major role.

With SIM scores playing a major role in regulatory environment, Temetra has the tools to really help water companies improve their service to customers. We’re working with our customer to produce a white paper based on this raw data, available on request.