
Temetra provides back-end system integration with your existing IT infrastructure. The most common integration is with your billing system, providing a single interface for meter readings, irrespective of how they were collected.

Billing & Customer Care System Integration

badge-billing-mWe have successfully interfaced with a wide variety of third-part specialist billing systems, including High Affinity, Rapid, Oracle CC&B, Agresso, CIS & Sage. We are experienced integrating files to utility’s specification, making for timely transition from your existing MDM/MDC.


Temetra has the ability to re-organise the routes from billing to organise them more efficiently, while still returning the reading to you billing system as expected.


We have extensive support inside Temetra for XML, CSV and fixed-width file formats, and also API calls for direct SQL, JSON and XML.


GIS, Asset Management, Work Management

badge-fieldworkers-mFor small network, Temetra may be able to provide enough asset management and GIS capabilities, but we also integrate with existing external systems such as CIS, Maximo, Oracle, ArcGIS, MapInfo.

Temetra makes extensive use of GPS data, with the ability to import and export in GPX, KML, CSV.


Customer Portal

badge-portal-mTemetra’s portal meter.ie can provide quick and easy access to extended meter data for your end-users. We can also provide branded versions of the site, secure insertion of graphics and AJAX calls into your own portal, or direct JSON data ready for use in your own site.