Hanley Controls supplies a powerful GSM logger from GERO Meßsysteme GmbH. This device operates without power or phone line and sends back logged data to Temetra once per day, or at user-configurable time intervals.
Up to 16 channels, including up to 4 analogue inputs can be used in a single logger, making this a cost effective way to get logged information from multiple sources at regular intervals. With a battery life of greater than 6 years, and a low annual service fee from Temetra, this is a cost effective way to collect data from your meters, whether once off or over your entire network.
Temetra provides all the normal reporting and data transformation facilities to use this information for billing and network management. Most common deployments are for high volume customers that require access to details flow information, or for monitoring network meters. Because Temetra is an Internet based service, we can provide security protected customer access to the logger data, while maintaining the meter in the network of the Local Authority for billing purposes. Data export to Agresso or any other back-end billing system is possible in combination with all other meters on your network.
Gero are a well respected and long established supplier of data loggers in the German market. There are a wide variety of sensors available for attachment to these data loggers, and a selection of antennae allowing installation in any location with a GSM signal.
Mains power with short-term backup
Where mains power is available, this is the preferred option since it allows for permanent connection to the GSM network. A mains lead plugs directly into the logger, poweing the logger and trickle charging an integrated battery. In the event of power loss from the mains, the logger can continue to operate for several days on this reserve of power. The only disadvantage of this power source is the requirement to have mains power available and a relatively clean environment to locate the logger.
External lead acid with short-term backup
By using externally connected rechargeable lead acid batteries, the logger can be configured to stay on the GSM network for extended periods of time, allowing data connections on demand. For eight hour per day of GSM availability, a single lead acid battery will keep the logger powered for approximately three months. After three months you could switch over to a another fully charged lead acid battery and take back the previous battery for charging. By using twoexternal batteries, you could run the logger for approximately 6 months.
Lead acid batteries are cheap making this a very economical solution where there’s no mains power available, but it does mean you need to visit the logger for battery changes.
Trickle charged via solar panel
A variation of the external lead acid battery is to trickle charge the battery with a solar panel. Solar panel prices have reduced and performance improved recently, allowing the battery to remain charged with a single panel given suitable location. Solar panels are unsuitable for all locations, and do need some routine maintenance (cleaning and orientation) to maintain optimal operation.
Inorganic Lithium long life battery
For a completely self-contained solution, a single zero maintenance battery is the best option. Inorganic lithium is a very recent battery technology with excellent characteristics for loggers. The power available is very high, but more important is the stand-by life, allowing up to 10 years of operation under ideal conditions. Real world lifespans, allowing for poor GSM signal and occasional alarms would be five years.
- Battery life up to 6 years with lithium battery (1 SMS per day)
- IP rating up to IP68
- Digital inputs up to 100 Hz, analogue inputs at 12 bit accuracy
- Storage 512 kByte (up to 340,000 measurements)
Data Sheets

Temetra GSM logger hosting with GERO DL09-GSM logger
Download temetra-dl09.pdf brochure
Size: 212K
Release Date: Apr 2004

Gero solid state pressure transducer, 16 mbar to 250 bar, options
Download gero-press02-en.pdf brochure
Size: 340K
Release Date: Oct 2003
Antenna Options
- Standard GSM antenna range
- Disc-style, vandal resistant antenna
- Highly robust antenna housing