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Heatmap visualization in Map Search Temetra has shown meter and reading locations on a map using pins for a few years, but needed various work-arounds to accommodate clusters of meters at very large scale. Using a combination of techniques and search tools, we now show instant search results geographically even for millions of meters, with the areas of…
Diehl, Itron drive-by, Homerider & Sensus AMR As part of a recent contract, we now support Diehl drive-by AMR. This is a one-way protocol that provides high speed data collection, particularly interesting for high-density deployments where all the meters are wireless reads. Temetra Reader has been been developed to not only support passive data collection,…
Scaling in 2013 The number of meters hosted by Temetra underwent spectacular growth in 2013 due to some big UK utilities adopting us for their mobile data collection. We’ve invested heavily in R&D since 2010, putting in place a platform that was well tested in preparation for a big increase in data, allowing us to maintain…
New Status Page As Temetra grows we need a better way to communicate the current status of Temetra functionality. To this end, we’re introducing a new status website that gives a summary of any issues with the major functions of Temetra that affect our customers. will now be kept up to date with the…
We ready to start giving users the option to use the new look Temetra, part of our regular updates. The first visible change is our new log-in page, which now incorporates language selection by default, to better accommodate international users. The functionality of Temetra remains the same using the old or new look, but the…
It’s been a busy few months at Temetra, bringing on-line our two largest customers to date, but we’ve found time to continuously add improvements to Temetra certification, webapp and Temetra Reader. Temetra receives 27001 certification After months of hard work by the ISO team, we’re delighted to announce we’ve been formally awarded our ISO27001:2005 certification for information…
Geo-routing and interactive mapping We’re previewing a new feature in Temetra aimed at interactive planning on very large networks. Our MDM platform allows high-speed searching, geo-location and assignment of meter reading jobs, with the capacity to handle high volume meter data from meter readers in the field, through to fixed network interval data. This brings…
Embedded Maps using OSM We’re now using OpenStreetMap to show maps throughout Temetra. Using these high quality crowdsourced maps allows us to give display more visual information about your meters, without the high costs normally associated with map display on subscription web sites. Temetra has contributed much of the initial mapping in the Clonmel area,…